On March 19-20, 2019, on the initiative of the Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Researchers of European Integration at the National University of Lviv named after Ivan Franko an international scientific and practical conference «Ukraine – European Union: From Partnership to Association» was held and it was devoted to the 25-th anniversary of the signing of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.
The themes of the speeches and articles were submitted by the executors of the project Jean Monnet prof. A. Sbruiva and prof. O. Semenog, associate professor Zh. Chernyakova of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko.
The co-organizer of the event is Ukrainian Association of International Law and Erasmus + National Office in Ukraine. The purpose is to analyze comprehensively various aspects of the relationship between the Ukrainian state and the European Union during the 25 years of the agreement, to discuss the key achievements and main challenges of Ukraine’s future engagement with the EU and share their views on modern trends in European integration processes. Within the framework of the conference there was a plenary discussion of the project coordinators of the program EU Erasmus + direction of Jean Monnet in Ukraine. Lviv University is one of the leading participants of this program and one of two universities in Ukraine, where there are Centers of Excellence named after Jean Monnet.