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    Intensive course for doctoral students: Research Mentorship Culture

     Section 1. Phenomenology of research mentorship: genesis and modern state of European and national experience (2 hours)

    1. The essence, types, functions of mentoring

    2.Retrospective analysis of the origins of academic mentorship

    1. Mentoring in research and education
    2. Values of the institute of mentorship.
    3. Criteria of research mentorship:


    Section 2. Research mentorship in reforms of Ukrainian education on the basis of European values (4 hours)

    1. Mentoring as one of the components of Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
    2. The culture of mentoring at Ukrainian and European universities
    3. Practice of research mentoring for effective research and teaching: European, national and institutional dimensions
    4. Research and pedagogical mentorship as a support in forming professional mastership
    5. Scientific and pedagogical mentoring as one of the components of adaptation and of a beginner-teachers.
    6. Specific qualities of a research mentor: identity, democracy, dialogue, research, leadership, social orientation, cooperation.
    7. Functions of mentors: social-pedagogical, consultative, spiritual.

     Section 3 Linguopersonology of a scientific tutor (4 hours)

    1. Academic linguistic personality.
    2. The style of research mentor.
    3. Scientific dialogue - a dialogue of personalities.
    4. Linguistic behavior of research mentor



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