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    Schedule of Classes for the Training Course «Comparative Higher education: National, European and Global Contexts»

    The lecturer: doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Alina Sbruieva

    Place: Sumy, Romenska str., SSPU, 2nd floor, office 218.

    Free entrance. We invite graduate and postgraduate students, applicants, teachers.



    17.30- 18.50

    12.11. 2018

    Comparative Higher Education as a branch of scientific knowledge (Lecture)

    Historical origins of modern higher education: national, European and global contexts (Lecture)

    19.11. 2018

    Socio-political, socio-economic, cultural and educational factors in the development of higher education in knowledge society (Lecture)

    26.11. 2018

    Educational activity in higher education in EU and Ukraine: modernization tendencies (Lecture)

    Scientific and innovative activities of the HEIs in the world, EU and in Ukraine: development trends (Lecture)

    03.12. 2018

    Quality Assurance in Higher Education: European, National and Institutional Dimensions (Lecture)

    Innovative approaches to the management of higher education in the contemporary world (Lecture)

    10.12. 2018

    Bologna Process as a strategy for modernization of national higher education systems and formation of the European Higher Education Area (Lecture)

    12.12. 2018

    Educational activity in higher education in EU and Ukraine: modernization tendencies (Seminar)

    Scientific and innovative activities of the HEIs in the world, EU and in Ukraine: development trends (Seminar)

    17.12. 2018

    Quality Assurance in Higher Education: European, National and Institutional Dimensions (Seminar)

    17.30- 18.50


    Trends in the development of national higher education systems in selected European countries and in Ukraine: comparative analysis (Round table)


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