On April 25-26, 2019 the III International Scientific and Practical Conference for Students and Young Scientists «European University: Image, Mobility and Social Perspectives» was held in Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. The conference is dedicated to the 30-th anniversary of the Jean Monnet Program.
The organizers of the conference are the chairs of pedagogy and management of education and pedagogy of higher education of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko.
The co-organizers of the conference are the scientific partners of the mentioned chairs: Sumy National Agrarian University, Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education named after Ivan Zyazyun, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Association of Educational Researchers.
The conference brought together about 300 participants from nearly 20 Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions and academic institutions, whose representatives participated in the discussions on various aspects of creating European image, academic mobility and the prospects for the development of European university.
The greetings to the participants of the conference were addressed by the rector of Sumy State Pedagog
ical University named after A. S. Makarenko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Yuriy Olegovich Lyannoy, who emphasized the importance of similar academic initiatives for the practical implementation of the constitutional provisions concerning the strategic course of our state for gaining full membership in the EU; Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Svitlana Mykolayivna Kondratyuk highlighted the achievements of the University in the field of academic mobility; Vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, doctor of biological sciences, professor Vitaliy Illich Sheiko emphasized the importance of the chosen conference topic in the context of Ukraine’s membership in the European Higher Education Area.
At the section meeting of the conference «Programs of Jean Monnet in the development of the Ukrainian university» A. A. Sbruiva, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the chair of pedagogy of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, called on the scientists specializing in European studies to further active collaboration. She emphasized: «The participation of young scientists (students, graduate students and postgraduate students) in grant programs is an integral part of future of modern European university, which gives an opportunity to get education not only in domestic higher education institutions, but also in the best universities in Europe and the world, participate in representative international scientific events, to develop cooperation with domestic and foreign colleagues in the implementation of innovative programs, to integrate into the European academic community, to create networks of like-minded people in the common cause of reforming the education system, etc. The great opportunities for the professional development of the young scientists from Ukrainian universities are provided by numerous Jean Monnet grant programs.
Within the framework of the section meeting scientific reports were presented by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor O. A. Zabolotna – «Europeanization of scientific research in the field of education» (Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna); candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor A.P. Dzhurolo – «Experience of participation in the program Jean Monnet Module» (Institute of pedagogics NAPS Ukraine); candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the chair of management of education and pedagogy of higher school of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko D.O. Kozlov – «Jean Monnet programs in the development of the innovative culture of the future head of the educational institution»; candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko Zh.Yu. Chernyakova – «Jean Monnet Program Potential in the Development of the Culture of Academic Writing for Postgraduate Students of Pedagogical Specialties»; candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna N.V. Gut – «Language Education for Immigrants in EU Countries»; candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna S.P. Shumayeva –«Normative provision of school education for children with special needs in EU countries»; postgraduate student of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko Yu.V. Taraban – «Transformation of the research methodology in the context of the Jean Monnet Module»; postgraduate student of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko O.S. Karpus – «Academic Integrity: The Experience of Jean Monnet Programs for Ukrainian Universities»; postgraduate student of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko Mykhailychenko I.V . – «Jean Monnet Programs in the Formation of European Research Culture for Young Scientists: The Analysis of the Participation in the Jean Monnet Module».
Within the framework of the conference there was also an open discussion of the participants of the project «Europeanization of doctoral studies in the field of education: interdisciplinary and inclusive approaches» direction Jean Monnet EU program Erasmus +. All the participants emphasized that during the last decade Jean Monnet projects have played a more prominent role in improving the quality of doctoral studies in philosophy in Ukraine. It has also been noted that the Ukrainian academic community has already accumulated considerable experience in implementing these projects, since more than 70 projects have already been realized or is carried out, and its participants have successfully integrated into the Jean Monnet Direction Global Network of projects, which marks the 30th anniversary of its existence in 2019. At the same time, separate emphasis was placed on the challenges, the strategic of which is the continuation of activities in the relevant direction after the completion of financing of projects from the EU budget, rather the interaction between the projects in Ukraine and the lack of communication of their results to the public.
The following aspects of the innovative development were discussed at the conference: European integration in the field of higher education, current realities and prospects of the University, the Jean Monnet programs in the development of the European University, the peculiarities of the personal realization of modern students, the specifics of the interaction of the system: university administration-student self-management - pedagogical staff, the interconnection of social and academic mobility, the technology of the formation of the image of the university: the analysis of European and national experience, political and civil activism of modern youth.
The abstracts and reports are published in the collection of conference materials, the electronic version of which is posted on the site.