On June 5, 2020 a class «Research Mentorship in Reforming the Ukrainian Education on the Basis of Europeanness» was held for the postgraduate students in the field of training 01 Education/Pedagogy in the framework of the doctoral seminar «Research Mentorship Culture».
The following issues were clarified at the classes: scientific and pedagogical mentoring as support for young teachers of professional skills; scientific and pedagogical mentoring as one of the components of adaptation and socialization of a novice teacher; specific qualities of a scientific mentor: originality, democracy, dialogue, research, leadership, social orientation, cooperation; mentors’ functions.
In preparation for the classes the participation of the postgraduate students in the online seminar «How to write analytical materials» on the page The International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) of the Team «Initiatives for the development of analytical centers of Ukraine» of IRF, webinars «SAIUP on the couch», Academic Integrity Promotion Project in Ukraine – SAIUP, implemented by the American Councils for International Education (Eugene Nikolaev «University Policy to Prevent Student Plagiarism» (on April 22, 2020) https://saiup.org.ua/novyny/materialy-vebinaru-polityka- universytetiv-iz-zapobigannya-studentkomu-plagiatu / was taken into consideration. The following issues were considered: the results of some studies of academic plagiarism of students in European countries; causes of plagiarism; measures that can and should be taken by the administrations of Ukrainian universities to promote the values of academic integrity; resources and competencies needed by the trainer to successfully combat plagiarism in student work; «Balancing the load during distance learning: the mission is feasible» (on April 23, 2020, the head of the Center for Quality Assurance in Education and senior lecturer at the Chair of English at the National University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» Olga Bershadska discussed the specifics of distance learning in freelance, interaction: teacher/students during distance learning and control (cooperation and control formats) at the webinar.