On June 4, 2021 the defence of the dissertation for the degree of PhD program of the postgraduate student Boychenko Vitaly Vitalievich on the topic «Organizational and pedagogical foundations of STEM-education in high school in the United States» was held at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. Scientific adviser is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sbruieva A.A.
The chairman of the specialized academic council is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor O.V. Semenikhina, the members of the specialized academic council are Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor O.I. Ogienko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor O.A. Zabolotna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor I.M. Litovchenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Chistiakova I.A.
The purpose of the study is to find out the theoretical, normative, content-procedural and professional-pedagogical foundations of STEM-education in high school in the United States in order to determine the possibilities of using the progressive American experience in domestic schooling.
Scientific novelty of the obtained research results:
for the first time in the domestic pedagogical science a comprehensive study of theoretical, normative, content-procedural and professional-pedagogical foundations of STEM-education in high school in the USA has been carried out;
within the characteristics of the state of development of the problem of STEM-education in domestic comparative and pedagogical research, aspects of its consideration are singled out;
the conceptual foundations of STEM-education are revealed;
the preconditions and stages of development of STEM-education in the senior high school of the USA are allocated;
the normative and substantive-procedural foundations of STEM-education in high school in the United States are outlined;
the specifics of professional and pedagogical training of STEM-teachers of the high school of the USA are defined and the corresponding programs at the bachelor’s and master’s levels of higher education are characterized;
the current state of STEM-education in Ukraine is clarified and the possibilities of using the progressive experience of the USA STEM-education in domestic schooling at the state, local and institutional levels in the legal, organizational, content, methodical and professional-pedagogical aspects are identified.
The practical significance of the results of the research:
the characterized by the author theoretical, normative, content-procedural and professional-pedagogical foundations of STEM-education in high school in the United States can be used in the process of formation of educational policy in the field of STEM; development of appropriate standards and methodical support for this process, teaching lectures, seminars and practical classes for students, undergraduates and postgraduate students of pedagogical institutions of higher education. The research materials as well as the source base will be useful in further research in relevant fields of scientific knowledge, the educational process of higher, general secondary and extracurricular education.
The abstract of the dissertation, a presentation of the applicant’s speech of the defence of the dissertation and a photo gallery of the defence is given below.