On June 25, 2021 the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the participant of the project Jean Monnet Module Zhang Lianhong on the topic «Organizational and pedagogical foundations of professional training of vocalists in the system of higher music education in China and Ukraine» took place.
Scientific supervisor is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the chair of pedagogy Chistiakova I.A.
The aim of the work is to clarify the theoretical and organizational and methodical foundations of professional training of vocalists in the system of higher music education in China and Ukraine.
The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the domestic pedagogical science: the organizational and pedagogical foundations of professional training of vocalists in the system of higher music education in China and Ukraine have been fully clarified.
Within the characteristics of the theoretical foundations of the studied phenomenon, the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the research is characterized and the stages of the development of professional training of vocalists in institutions of higher musical education in China and Ukraine have been singled out.
The content of professional training of vocalists in institutions of higher music education in China and Ukraine has been highlighted.
The forms, methods and technologies of professional training of vocalists in institutions of higher musical education of China and Ukraine have been characterized.
The prognostic potential of interaction of systems of professional training of vocalists in establishments of higher musical education of China and Ukraine has been revealed.
Practical significance of generalized provisions on methodological approaches to higher music education, historical development of vocal traditions of China and Ukraine, the content, forms, methods and technologies of professional training of vocalists in institutions of higher music education in China and Ukraine can be used in the process of forming educational policy in the field of higher music education, development of methodical support for this process, teaching lectures, seminars and practical classes for students, undergraduates and postgraduate students of higher music education.
The prognostic potential of the study is determined by the possibility of using the results for further research in this area in the process of modernization of the Chinese and Ukrainian systems of higher music education.
Members of the Doctoral House in the field of the theory of education of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, doctors of pedagogical sciences, professors Boichenko M.A., Ogienko O.I. became members of the specialized scientific council for the defence of the dissertation.
Here is an abstract of the dissertation, a presentation and a photo gallery of the defence, which took place in a mixed format.