The defence of theses for obtaining a scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences (Doctor of Philosophy) took place on November 22-23 in 2018. The postgraduate students, the project participant, had the opportunity to be present at the defense and gain a positive experience of participating in a scientific discussion. The work of Ukrainian scholars such as Klochko O.M. (specialty –13.00.01 – general pedagogy and history of pedagogy) and Mikhno S.V. (specialty 13.00.04 – theory and methodology of vocational education) as well as Chinese young scientists Wang Yangjun and Chen Jizjian (specialty 13.00.02 – theory and methods of musical education) were presented to the consideration of the specialized academic council. Involving young scientists to participate in the meetings of a specialized academic council is aimed at developing the skills of presentation of their own research, creative interpretation of scientific texts and full participation in scientific discussion.