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    The results of the round table meeting on the topic «Approaching the EU through high standards in education and scientific researches»

    According to the Module program a round table meeting on the topic «Approaching the EU through high standards in education and scientific researches» was held on November 20th 2018, which was the final event of teaching the course “Academic Writing”. The participants were invited to discuss a number of issues related to academic writing skills, research competences acquired by young scholars, understanding of the concept of scientific integrity, European norms and standards for the preparation, presentation and publication of scientific research. The round table meeting was attended by postgraduate students, lecturers and representatives of the scientific community of the university.

    Video Digest:

     The postgraduate students are presenting their scientific research on their topic of specialty. Besides they are making scientific reports on the topic of their research and discussing the most burning questions of their dissertations. The discussion is exciting and delightful. The postgraduate students are so enthusiastic!

    The postgraduate students are sharing their impressions about the course « Academic Writing» .They are speaking about the formed competences, the achieved skills, practical skills, their expectations in the course.


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