On February 21, 2020 training classes on the following topics were held.
- «Tendencies in modernization of the educational activity of higher education institutions in the EU and in Ukraine».
The issues under consideration were:
- Innovative professional competencies in the context of knowledge society as a targeted imperative of higher education.
- Traditional and innovative approaches to defining the content and organization of studies at European higher education institution.
- Innovative approaches to the design of higher education curricula in EHEA (competent, student-centered, research-oriented).
- Technologization of educational process in modern high school: on-line, distance and mixed forms of education in global and regional contexts.
The subject of discussion was the current ways of creating transversal competence of future doctors of philosophy in educational and extracurricular activities.
- «Scientific and Innovative Activity of IHE in the World, the EU and Ukraine: Development Trends». In the context of the topic, the following issues were discussed:
- Development of research activity of the university: stages, functions.
- Models of state support for university studies: experience of developed countries.
- University in the innovative system of society: global, European and national spaces.
- Comparative characteristic of the management structure of scientific work of research and educational universities (on the example of the US universities).
- Discussion on the topic covered turned around the problems of resource support for scientific activity in Ukrainian universities and the criteria for its evaluation.