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    Doctoral Seminar «Research Mentorship Culture» for the Postgraduate Students in the Field of Training 01 Education/Pedagogy. «Research Mentorship in Reforming the Ukrainian Education on the Basis of Europeanness» (2)

    On June 4, 2020 a class «Research Mentorship in Reforming the Ukrainian Education on the Basis of Europeanness» was held for the postgraduate students in the field of training 01 Education/Pedagogy in the framework of the doctoral seminar «Research Mentorship Culture». The topic was planned for 4 hours.

    The following issues were clarified at the class: mentoring is one of the components of continuous professional development (continuous professional development – CPD); mentoring culture in Ukrainian and European universities; scientific mentoring practice for effective research and teaching: European, national and institutional dimensions.

    The preparation for the class took into account the participation of the postgraduate students in the online meeting of the Department of Content and Technology of Pedagogical Education and the Department of Theory and Practice of Pedagogical Education «Trends in the development of pedagogical education in Ukraine» within the framework of the scientific-practical conference of Ivan Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine «Trends in the development of adult education in Ukraine and abroad» (More about the mentioned event on; in the international scientific-practical online conference «Ensuring the quality of higher education in the European Union»  (April 15, 2020 Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University based on the results of the implementation of the Module «Quality of higher education and expert support of its provision: Ukraine’s Movement to the European Union» of the «Erasmus +: Jean Monnet» program. The conference record could  be viewed at

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