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    prof. OLENA SEMENOG, Head of the depatment of Ukrainian language, Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University


    1980-1985 Kharkiv State University named after O.M. Gorkii, philologist. Teacher of Ukrainian Language and Literature

    “Diplom” with Honors

    1996 -  Kandidat of pedagogic sciences ( PhD) awarded.

    2002-2005 - Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Post-doctorate course. Post-doctorate research  "System of Training Future Teachers of Ukrainian Language and Literature”

    2006 - Doctor of Sciences awarded

    2008 – Professor Title awarded


    August 1987 – August 2002 р.– Gluhiv State Pedagogical University

    Assistant Professor (before 09.1990), Senior Lecturer (до 06. 1997 р.), Docent (до 12. 2008 р.), Head of the Department of Ukrainian Literature (1998-2002)

    Novermber 2005  – January  2016 – Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

    Senior researcher (before March 2013), Leading researcher (Before January 2016)

    Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University September 2007 - present, Professor, head of the Chair of Ukrainian Language


    August 1987 – August 2002 р.– Gluhiv State Pedagogical University

    Assistant Professor (before 09.1990), Senior Lecturer (до 06. 1997 р.), Docent (до 12. 2008 р.), Head of the Department of Ukrainian Literature (1998-2002)

    Novermber 2005  – January  2016 – Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

    Senior researcher (before March 2013), Leading researcher (Before January 2016)

    Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University September 2007 - present, Professor, head of the Chair of Ukrainian Language


    A leading expert in the field of professional education with focus on Philology with over 25 years of experience teaching and 10 years of working as a researcher at the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. In 2003 received an Award for Excellence in Education of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. She is a Deputy Head of the Specialized Scientific Board with the right to conduct defense of doctoral dissertations in the field of education. As a researcher and trainer collaborates with school and university teachers on issues of academic culture, including its European dimension, and Ukrainian language teaching, as well as conducts seminars and workshops for doctoral student at different institutions of higher learning in Ukraine. Her expertise includes developing on-line courses, she is an author of more than 200 scientific and methodological papers, textbooks and manuals for students at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. Her works are published in numerous peer-reviewed internationally indexed journals. She was a research consultant for 8 research projects (doctoral dissertations) in the field of education. Coordination of national projects ("Formation of teachers' linguistic culture" (2006-2008); participation in national projects "Development of pedagogical skills of teacher of non-pedagogical profile HEI in the conditions of the information and technological society" (2010-2013); "Development and self-development of pedagogical skills of future teachers in pedagogical universities and young specialists in secondary schools "(2013-2015).


    1. Semenog O. (2016). Academic culture of researcher in cultural and educational area of the University:[the monograph] / Olena Semenog, Myroslava Vovk. – Sumy: publishing house Sumy State Pedagogical University named after S. Makarenko, 284 p. -  in Ukrainian
    2. Effective technologies of education and knowledge quality control in linguistic training of future specialists: monograph / author’s team O.Semenog, V.Herman, N.Gromova, O.Rud, I.Levenok, N.Ponomarenko, M.Yachmenyk; under O. Semenog - Sumy: Publishing House of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, 2017. - 378 – in Ukrainian
    3. Semenog O. (2015). Academic WritingLinguocultural Approachhandbook. / O. Semenog, Olga Fast. Sumy,220 p. – In Ukrainian
    4. Semenog O. (2014). The Formation of Research Skills of Future Teachers of Language and Literature: Theory and Practice: monograph / Semenog, О.Zemka – Sumy: Niko, 286 с.
    5. Semenog O. (2017). Lingvo-Communicative Personality of Academic Teacher-Leader Through the Prism of Lingvopraxeology / Quo vadis humanitaris? Książka pamiątkowa z okazji 65-lecia prof. J. Pawlikowi.- O. Sinkiewicz, A.Kordonski, R. Kordonski.- Wyd-wo VERBINUM.- Warszawa – Lwow – Kijow.- Р.465-480.
    6. Semenog O. (2011). Language-Methodical Course for Undergraduates: Achievements and Problems of Foreign and Ukrainian Higher Educational Establishments. Comparative Professional Education: scientific journal. Kyiv,. 1. – P. 62–72.
    7. Semenog O. (2011). Scientific Events as Agent of Culture Expression of Scientific Language of Researcher. Adult Education: Theory, Practices and Prospects. – 2. – issue. 3 (1). – P. 83–92.
    8. Semenog O. (2012). Scientific Text as Means of Professional Self-Realization of Researcher. Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies. № 7 (25). – P. 286–294.
    9. Semenog O. (2013). Media Education of Future Teacher in Higher Philological School: Foreign and Ukrainian Experience. Vector of Science. Kyiv,. – № 1 (12). – С. 239–242.
    10. Semenog O. (2016). Mentorship in research and education; moral, ethical and esthetic values
    11. Self-realization of cognitive and creative potential in innovative education. Sumy. P.119-136.
    12. Semenoh O. Researcher’s academic culture in the educational space of the university: linguo-axiological approach. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2017. – Vol. 4, No. 1. – P. 26–33
    13. Semenog O. Forming professional mobility in the process of future philologists masters training in Ukraine and abroad. Comparative Professional Pedagogy Issue : Scientific Journal [Chief. ed. N.М.Bidyuk]. Kyiv–Khmelnytskyi : KhNU. – 2016. - Volume 6 (4).- P . 27-34
    14. Semenog O. (2017). Mentoring in Science and adult education / O. Semenog // Scientific Bulletin of Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, –P. 46–51.
    15. Semenog O. (2016). Semen Ustimovich Goncharenko as Akmeosobystist Methodology in the Field of Scientific and Pedagogical Research. Physical-Mathematical Education: scientific journal. 4 (10), P. 117–120.
    16. Semenog O. (2017). Academic Lecture And Academic Teacher In The Digital Era: Praxeological Approach. Physical-Mathematical Education: scientific journal. 2 (12).P. 140–146.
    17. Semenog O. (2016). Electronic Educational Resources in Linguistic and Cultural Preparation of Teacher-Researcher. Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies. -. ‒ № ‒ С. 123-134. ‒ Available at:
    18. Semenog O. (2017). The Formation of the Academic Culture of the Teacher-Researcher in a Digital Creative Environment as a Scientific Problem/ Semenog Olena, Semenikhina Olena, Bezuhlyi Dmytro// Information Technologies and Means of Education.. –Т.16 . – №6 . – C.21-31. – In Ukrainian
    19. Semenog O. M. Improving Conditions and Quality of Education for Foreign Students in Ukraine / O. M. Semenog, I. S. Levenok. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Topical Issues of Science and Education". – Warsaw, Poland, 2017. – Vol. 5. – Р. 15–18.
    20. Semenog O. M. Рrofessional training of future teacher in cross-cultural dialogue Comparative Professional Pedagogy: scientific journal [chief. ed. N. М. BIDYUK]. Kyiv–Khmelnytskyi : khnu. 2014, volume 4, issue 3:– Р 38- 44.
    21. Semenog O. (2015). Culture of Teacher's Work with Scientific Communication. Scientific Journal «ScienceRise»,.10/5 (15).- P.25-31.
    22. Semenog O. (2016). Academic Culture – the Basis of Doctor of Philosophy in Specialty 015 “Professional Education” Preparation. Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies: № 5 (59), P. 192–203.
    23. Semenog O. (2015) Training of Masters in Philology in Ukraine and Abroad: Search for Educational Strategies [Text] Comparative Professional Pedagogy : scientific journal [Chief. ed. N.М.Bidyuk]. – Kyiv–Khmelnytskyi : KhNU,. Vol. 5, Is. 1. – P. 24–31. In English
    24. Semenog O. M. (2014) The beauty of teacher`s work in reflections of ukrainian and polish teachers / O.M. Semenog //Comparative Professional Pedagogy: scientific journal [chief. ed. N. М. BIDYUK]. Kyiv–Khmelnytskyi : KHNU, volume 4, issue 2.- Р.137 -142

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